Welcome Reception, Lab Visits, PhD night, Sport Night, Conference Dinner
Welcome reception on Monday 11th July 2016
The Welcome Reception of the ISEA2016 conference will take place in the beautiful ancient City Hall of Delft.
The Welcome Reception of the ISEA2016 conference will take place in the beautiful ancient City Hall of Delft.
The City Hall in Delft is a Renaissance style building on the Markt across from the Nieuwe Kerk. It is the former seat of the city's government, and still today the place where residents hold their civic wedding ceremonies. Originally designed by the Dutch architect Hendrick de Keyser, it was heavily changed over the centuries and was restored in the 20th century to its Renaissance appearance.
You will be welcomed by Council member of Delft Raimond de Prez and the Rector Magnificus of the Delft University of Technology, Prof. Karel Luyben.
LAB VISITS Campus TU Delft on Monday 11th July 2016
Starting at Aula Conference Centre at 14:30 -16:30
With the Lab visits you get an exclusive look behind the scenes. You will visit one of the following labs: the applied labs, the wind tunnel, the D: Dream hall and/or the Hydrolab.
Applied Labs
The Applied Labs bring research at Industrial Design Engineering one step further than the conventional tests in a lab setting, in that the product or product service is designed for, and evaluated in a more realistic and thus more complex setting. This will lead to new insights and better predictions of users interactions in the real world environment. Read more.
Wind tunnel
Computer simulations and wind tunnel measurements allow us to analyse and reduce aerodynamic drag. Tests are carried out in the low-speed wind tunnel at TU Delft. Read more.
D:Dream hall
D:DREAM stands for 'Delft: Dream Realization of Extremely Advanced Machines'. The dreamteams consist of dedicated students, with the aim of building a winning design in different competitions focused on the human power. They stand out because of they're powered by sustainable means, or because their technical innovations.
The Fluid Mechanics Section (FM) at the Laboratory for Aero & Hydrodynamics performs research on the topics of turbulence and complex flows on an internationally competitive level. The research is carried out at a fundamental level using modern experimental and numerical methods and has a clear connection to processes in an applied or industrial context. Our research projects generally focus on four disciplines (or combinations hereof): turbulence, multiphase flow, microfluidics, biofluids. Read more.
Bicycle lab
Bicycle lab
The TU Delft Bicycle Lab focuses on the dynamics and control of bicycles, to answer questions like: Why does a bicycle stay upright given some forward speed? and How does a rider control a bicycle? and Why does one bicycle feels so much different in handling than another? Applications range from Consumer Industry, Safe Cycling to Sports Engineering. Read More
Condition to participate in the lab visits is that you have access to a bicycle.
PhD night on Tuesday July 12th 2016
A conference is a perfect opportunity to get in touch with fellow PhDs from all over the world. Therefore this year we organize a special PhD night on the Tuesday 12th of July of the ISEA conference. The night is about meeting other PhD students, while having diner, trying to win a pubquiz, drinking some Dutch beers, tasting the famous ‘bitterballen’ and most of all having fun!
Dinner, the pubquiz, bitterballen and the first couple of drinks are taken care of, the rest of the night is at own expense. The event starts in bar 'De Ruif' (but will probably take us to more bars in Delft during the evening).
Please let us know that you will join the PhD night by subscribing here.
Since we need to know how many meals the cook needs to make us, we need your subscription before the 8th of July. Updates on the night will be posted on our Facebook page 

Sports event on Wednesday July 13th 2016
This year, the Olympic Games will take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
Here in Delft, we organise our own version for all delegates. You don’t need to be a top athlete to compete; just join in on two of the clinics. It’s not a competition. Participation is just for fun!
Meet your international colleagues in a casual setting. Sport together and have a chat, while enjoying a drink and some food, on the summer terrace.
Registration: June 11th from 13:30 until 17:00 at the registration desk
Registration: June 11th from 13:30 until 17:00 at the registration desk
Conference dinner on Wednesday July 14th 2016
The conference dinner will be served in the old Glue & Gelatine Factory (Lijm & Cultuur).
Lijm & Cultuur has a great history. The factory survived wars, crises, social changes and an explosion, but was forced to stop caused by the mad cow disease in 2002. The former monumental factory buildings have been transformed from production of glue to a production of culture. Many big events took place in this unique surrounding.
You will enjoy an excellent dinner on a wonderful place prepared by master chef Bas Hoog.
The dinner starts at 18.h00 and the address is
Rotterdamseweg 272
2628 AT Delft
+31 (0)15 2629400