09:00   Senaatszaal - Keynote lecture by Sadayuki Ujihashi
Chair: Frans van der Helm/Arjen Jansen
30 mins
History of Sports Engineering - Its Origin and Future
Sadayuki Ujihashi
Abstract: This year ISEA Conference commemorates 20th anniversary year since Professor Steve Haake organized for the first time in Sheffield in 1996. On the other hand it is considered that “Sports Engineering” was born in Japan as the name of new academic discipline in 1989 and Steve Haake and Sadayuki Ujihashi met in Japan for the first time in 1997. As a result ISEA was officially formed in Sheffield 1998 at 2nd International Conference of Sports Engineering and from the next conference the venue has moved away from Sheffield. The people, who were involved in the early stage of Sports Engineering, were struggling in finding the way how the society of Sports Engineering should survive forever. Eventually the people decided their way individually however this problem still exists and remains fundamentally unsolved. As time passes the early pioneer people are going to be not active and will fade away sometime. Therefore it is considered that the abbreviated history of Sports Engineering should be talked to the delegates of ISEA Conference particularly of young generation.